The most extensive and fertile region when it comes to the great jazz performers of the 20th century. Swing appeared in the 20s and remained unusually popular right up to…

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Interesting music facts
Mozart's music The well-known Austrian composer Mozart, whose music is considered to be the pinnacle of world classics, composed “smart” music. Scientific studies have proven the fact that the music…

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Composer Alexander Pakhmutova
Alexandra Pakhmutova is a popularly respected and beloved composer. Her works have become a symbol of the Soviet era. Now it is impossible to imagine the culture of the country…

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Lyudmila Gurchenko half a century ago became a popular favorite, truly a superstar. Diva of the national cinema has overcome a difficult path, earning success and recognition. Whatever Ludmila Gurchenko did, she didn’t know what it meant to save effort. “When I step on the stage and hear your applause, it’s like a rise in the sky, a flap of wings.”

All celebrities sought her attention, but there were times when Lyudmila Markovna was not noticed and was considered to be a close-minded provincial who dared to consider herself a person in art. They even reproached the indestructible “Kharkov accent”. She was born in this glorious city on November 12, 1935. The family was an only child. Father – Mark Gavrilovich – in his youth he studied at the Music and Drama Institute, professionally played the accordion. Together with his sixteen-year-old wife, he acted as a accordionist at various public events, school matinees. Therefore, according to Ludmila Gurchenko herself, she was born in a musical family. When Lucy was born, her mother was only 17 years old.

In the fall of 1944, 9-year-old Lucy Gurchenko took the exam at the Beethoven Music School. singer Lyudmila GurchenkoOne performed two songs: “About Vitya Cherevichkina” and “We met at a restaurant’s bar”. The presentation was so touching that the teachers unanimously enrolled her in the first grade.

In 1953, Lucy Gurchenko left Kharkov for Moscow with an accordion on the shoulder “to enter the actress”. I passed the examinations at VGIK, the Shchukin School and the Department of Musical Comedy at GITIS. Of course, she sang on all the exams. Everywhere there was a competition, but she chose VGIK because the course that year was recruited by Sergey Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova, whom she adored. During their studies, Gurchenko almost did not have to sing with them. Although, as the actress recalled, especially for her teachers put musical excerpts from the Dreiser “Zapadni”, where her dance and musical talent was able to unfold. And she was waiting for roles in the pictures of the beloved teacher Gerasimov. Only suitable roles for her he did not have …

Lyudmila Gurchenko: “Let me sing this song”
Ludmila Gurchenko received the first film invitation for the dramatic film “The Road of Truth” directed by Jan Fried. “I didn’t come here for the sake of silence!” – this was her debut phrase in the cinema, which managed to make happy the parents of Lyudmila Markovna, who saw this tape in the central cinema of Kharkov. It was 1956. singer Lyudmila Gurchenko But the real film biography of the actress opens with the legendary film “Carnival Night” by Eldar Ryazanov. As often happens, after such a stunning success of the film and the actress herself, all sorts of myths began to take shape around the name of Gurchenko. The most common of them was that the actress was average, the success in the film was random, so none of the serious directors invited her to act, allegedly after the film she gave birth to a daughter from Ryazanov … But Lyudmila Markovna confesses that she loves Ryazanov only as a director. In the same “carnival” year, she appeared in two more films, although Lenochka Krylova from “Carnival Night” brought her real success and national fame. All the girls sewed dresses and made bangs, like Gurchenko. And the song “Five Minutes” sounded from every window!

However, the popularity of the picture had the opposite direction: for many years the actress was stamped on the stamp of the performer of one role and she was invited to star in primarily musical comedies or operetta films. In 1958, Gurchenko starred in another musical film – “The Girl with the Guitar”; in 1972 – “Tobacco captain”. Next were the paintings “Circus lights the lights”, “Straw bonnet” and “Heavenly swallows” …

“Hold on sly!”
In the life of the actress there were different times. After the triumph, as a rule, there comes a lull, and very soon everyone forgot about her. Singer Lyudmila Gurchenko Several times she auditioned for the main roles, but the artistic councils did not claim her, and they said that the samples were the best. This was in the early 1970s.

For example, the role of Nicky, the heroine of Alexei Herman’s film “Twenty Days Without War”, was approved with difficulty — the director himself did not want to see her in the film. Scriptwriter Konstantin Simonov insisted on Gurchenko’s candidacy. They say that after the author’s decision, Herman said: “There will be no discovery.” But the duo of Yuri Nikulin and Lyudmila Gurchenko became a significant event in the “movie about war” class. The black and white picture told Simonov with words about the gray, heavy everyday life in the rear and the unpromising love that had arisen. By the way, many critics consider this film the best about the war and the best dramatic role of Gurchenko.

In 1977, the audience again saw the actress in the musical film “Mom”. Once during the next singer Lyudmila Gurchenkodublya Mikhail Boyarsky – partner in the tape – fell on her foot. The result is a complex fracture and wheelchair. They filmed it only to the waist, but for the audience no technical devices were visible, only the smile of the actress, her songs.

More than 30 years ago, Claudia Ivanovna Shulzhenko’s heart stopped beating. And it is not at all important that the younger generation knows about it by hearsay. The main thing…


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