Listen to congenial
Music critic Ilya Ovchinnikov believes that the tradition of starting an acquaintance with the classics through the music of Bach and Mozart is not entirely true. After all, there are…

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Larisa Mondrus is called the number one star of Soviet pop music of the late 1960s and early 70s. And the first thing that pops up in my memory is…

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Edita Piekha's songs sound in many languages: Russian, French, Polish ... Different in mood and melodies, but similar in one: they are about love. These songs are not included in…

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The most interesting facts about music. Interesting facts about rock music

Do you enjoy your favorite tracks every day and can’t live a day without them? But even the most ardent music lovers cannot know everything about their hobby. But the music world hides a lot of interesting facts. “What?” – you ask. Some of them you will learn in this material. Without notes To begin with, pay attention to interesting facts about classical music. Probably, not everyone knows, but in order to perform classical works, it is not necessary to be musically literate. Perhaps for a modern artist this sounds a bit strange, but in fact it really is. For example, such a famous performer, like Luciano Pavarotti, did not understand anything about musical notation. In addition, he did not even try to hide his inability to read notes. The world fame and title of the greatest tenor of the XX century, he deserved only because of his unique hearing. In addition, Pavarotti developed his own system, by which he learned opera parts. This news should be enjoyable for lovers of classical music, because you can become a true professional in your field, even if you have no musical education behind you. But unfortunately, modern performers consider it a move away from the musical notation of the original. But it was not always so. Recall the Baroque era. Every musician who wanted fame and recognition had to include something from himself into the party. If he did not do this, the audience considered such a performer rather dull and uninteresting. A little later, Franz Liszt, who lived in the 19th century, followed the same rule. Critics at the time wrote that the familiar music performed by Liszt each time sounds different. It can be argued that classical music even now sounds differently, depending on the soloist, orchestra and, of course, the conductor. Bloodthirsty music, or “cat’s harpsichord” Want to learn bloodthirsty, but interesting facts from the world of music? Then we will tell you about such a musical instrument as “cat harpsichord.” The invention of this appeared in the Middle Ages, when even the concept of “music” was adapted to the desire of the church or the Inquisition. This time, got unhappy cats. They were planted in a long box, which was divided into fourteen compartments. Before distributing animals to these boxes, they were “tapped”: they were attacking tails. The reaction of the animals was natural: they began to shout. Depending on the height of the voice, the “customizer” determined which compartment to put each of the sufferers in. But this is only the beginning. The heads of animals were thrust into special holes, and their tails were firmly fixed under the keyboard. Each key had a needle under itself, which dug the fuzzy in the tail with each press. Thus, the “musicians” tried to get from the “instrument” a kind of melody. According to historians, such a “cat harpsichord” existed at the court of the Spanish king Philip II. Why did poor animals suffer? Everything is quite simple: the church declared them devils minions. Therefore, the animal could not live a long life.

More than 30 years ago, Claudia Ivanovna Shulzhenko’s heart stopped beating. And it is not at all important that the younger generation knows about it by hearsay. The main thing…


Composer Alexander Pakhmutova
Alexandra Pakhmutova is a popularly respected and beloved composer. Her works have become a symbol of the Soviet era. Now it is impossible to imagine the culture of the country…


More than 30 years ago, Claudia Ivanovna Shulzhenko’s heart stopped beating. And it is not at all important that the younger generation knows about it by hearsay. The main thing…
