Who was John Lennon? Neither his contemporaries, nor we could give a definite answer. Many consider him a man who, with all his essence and musical talent, served the cause…

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Who was John Lennon? Neither his contemporaries, nor we could give a definite answer. Many consider him a man who, with all his essence and musical talent, served the cause…

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New Orleans Jazz, Chicago Jazz, Dixieland
The earliest, New Orleans jazz is an inheritance of the tradition of marching brass bands with ensembles consisting of an impressive rhythm section (2-3 drummers, percussion, double bass), various winds…

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Interesting music facts

Mozart’s music
The well-known Austrian composer Mozart, whose music is considered to be the pinnacle of world classics, composed “smart” music. Scientific studies have proven the fact that the music of Mozart contributes to the mental development of people. The man who casts his music becomes smarter and smarter. This is explained by the fact that the melodiousness of the works of Mozart is accompanied by certain vibrations that have a positive effect on the human brain.

Research results have shown that a student listening to Mozart before an exam improves his performance by about 30 percent. On the contrary, rough music, which is so popular today, contributes to dulling people, so it is not recommended to listen to it.
Another proof of this fact is a study with an IQ test. Standard IQ tests could register an increase in the intellectual abilities of people who previously listened to the works of Mozart.

In many countries, in maternity hospitals where babies lie with their mothers, classical music of famous composers, in particular, Mozart, is constantly played. Thus, the brain activity of children is enhanced, as a result of which they grow smarter.
Studies show that absolutely any classical music contributes to mental development, but in a strange way, it is the works of the Austrian composer that have the most positive impact.

Musical shiver.

When listening to music, very often people may have a so-called “musical tremor”. This is a kind of physical reaction, which is accompanied by the appearance of “goose bumps”, increased breathing, palpitations, and a slight increase in temperature. Some scientists suggest that this phenomenon is peculiar to all people, but others are prone to the theory that the “musical tremor” can manifest itself only in people whose nature is sensitive, subtle and creative.image

Music is capable of delivering to the brain exactly the same pleasure as sex. These phenomena have one root – the release of dopamine. It is a neurotransmitter, the release of which occurs when eating, taking drugs or having sex. Paradoxically, however, when listening to music, the brain reacts in the same way – it produces dopamine, which, in turn, allows the brain to feel euphoria. No one can say why this is happening, but it is known that it is the release of dopamine that causes people to crawl and shiver when listening to their favorite piece of music.

Julio Iglesias could not be a famous singer, but a famous athlete. There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. Probably, this statement fits this person more than anyone. Just…


Who was John Lennon? Neither his contemporaries, nor we could give a definite answer. Many consider him a man who, with all his essence and musical talent, served the cause…


Interesting music facts
Mozart's music The well-known Austrian composer Mozart, whose music is considered to be the pinnacle of world classics, composed “smart” music. Scientific studies have proven the fact that the music…
