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Who was John Lennon? Neither his contemporaries, nor we could give a definite answer. Many consider him a man who, with all his essence and musical talent, served the cause of peace and the fight against violence.

However, success in show business and entertainment industry has its price. John Lennon paid it in full.

Strokes to the portrait from John’s childhood
The fate of the most famous of the four members of the ensemble “The Beatles” continues to attract attention. His music, attitudes and way of life have had and continue to influence the youth of different countries. Lennon’s life and work reflect the spiritual quest of a whole generation. But in whom and what their idol John Lennon believed in – remains a mystery. John Lennon was literally obsessed with the number nine. On the 9th he was born. On November 9, he met with manager Brian Epstein and his second wife Yoko Ono. October 9, 1940 John Winston Lennon was born. It could be the first and the last day in his life. After all, Liverpool then survived one of the hardest bombings. But fate took pity on the newborn. He was the only child of Elfred and Julia Lennon. When John was two years old, his father disappeared from home. The mother soon realized that taking care of her son took all her strength away from her, leaving no time for amusement, and in 1945 gave John up to her sister Mimi and her husband George, retaining the right to visit her son.

Oh, music!
The first signs of a craving for music came from John in the mid-1950s, when Liverpool embraced a massive passion for skiffle. By this time, he was already decently playing the harmonica. And with the advent of rock and roll, John immediately and unconditionally decided to devote himself to this new genre.

In the spring of 1957, he created his first band, The Quarry Men. Soon, he met two more guys, also passionate about music – Paul McCartney and George Harrison. Lennon led them to a group that eventually turned into the Beatles.

performer john lennons cynthia powell
Music captured John entirely. It is not surprising that he could not pass a single final exam. True, in the fall, he managed, under patronage, to enter the Art College, but from there he was expelled for academic failure. Although it was there that he met his future wife Cynthia Powell. Four years later, Lennon married a girl, and on April 8, 1963, their son Julian was born. It’s impossible to say that John was very pleased with his family life: the Beatles remained his real love, he put all his energy into performances with the band and writing songs.

Epatage over the edge
Lennon was, of course, an extraordinary person, and besides, not burdened with excessive modesty. “People like me realize in themselves signs of genius as early as ten, eight or nine years … I still don’t understand: why didn’t anyone discover me before?” And his statement that the Beatles are more popular than Jesus Christ cost the band a tour in the United States.

The audience literally studied his every step, trying to predict what would be in vogue in the near future. John also felt that the Beatles were beginning to stagnate, forced to submit to strict tour requirements, performing the same set of songs under a deafening roar in the hall. He wanted to somehow change his life. However, the search for something new, full, did not give results. John rushed from drugs to spiritual self-contemplation and back, but all this did not bring the desired peace and satisfaction.

In 1966, in the Indika Gallery, he met Yoko Ono, a Japanese avant-garde artist who lived in London. Her strange work struck him, and he offered to help a new acquaintance arrange exhibitions. They took up joint art projects and eventually fell in love with each other. John decided to leave Cynthia for the opportunity to be with Yoko all the time. During this step, a hail of critical arrows fell on him from all sides. The press began hounding Lennon for his “shameful” behavior: how dare he leave his pretty English wife and young son for the love of some kind of “fooled fucker”?

Particularly painful John endured misunderstanding from friends, other Beatles. George and Paul were disapproved that Yoko had a strong influence on John. He felt that being in a group no longer corresponded to his musical tastes. He realized that he had ceased to be John Lennon, but turned into John Beatle, a rock idol. And then he began a crusade for deliverance from an alien image, for the return of his true face.

John and Yoko were married on March 20, 1969, arranging a “public honeymoon”, promoting world peace, lying in bed and talking to reporters. He inherited his taste for eccentric antics from his mother. Lennon from childhood took the shocking as part of his behavior.

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