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Anna Hermann’s voice is decorated with one single film – “Fate”. She will forever remain in the memory of the audience beautiful and young – wonderful Anna Herman, who sang many wonderful songs, amazing in beauty. She has long been with us, but time is not a hindrance to popularity. There are still songs performed by her, television programs are being filmed about her, disks are being released … There is a street, a festival, an amphitheater, an alley, a small planet named after her … One of the stars on Star Square in front of the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” is the star “Anna German.” By the way, this is the only star to a foreign citizen among other Russian stars …

Anna Hermann’s childhood in Uzbekistan
Anna Herman was often asked: “How do you know Russian so well? You speak almost without an accent, and you sing even more “in Russian” than some of our compatriots. ” Usually she joked. But sometimes her eyes became dreamily sad, and she answered more specifically: “But how could it be otherwise? I was born in the Soviet Union, my childhood passed there. My native Russian language”.

Anna’s great-grandfather on his father’s side, who spent forty years on a farm in the south of Ukraine, set off on a long journey, singer Anna Herman to Central Asia, where he settled for good. There, in the small town of Urgench, Yevgeny Hermann, an accountant at a flour factory, and Irma Martens, an elementary school teacher, whose ancestors were immigrants from Holland, met and married.

It was 1935. Who will be their child, what will be his fate, will he be healthy and happy? The newlyweds preparing to become parents often whispered about this at night. Their first child, a girl, was born on February 14, 1936. She did not give parents much trouble. Anna grew up as a calm child, cried rarely, spoke her first “ma” at eight months, and after three weeks made an independent step.

Anya hardly remembered her father: she was only two and a half years old when he disappeared from her life forever. Yevhen German was arrested on a false denunciation in 1938. All attempts to prove his innocence at that time were unsuccessful. And only in 1956 he was fully rehabilitated.

Anna Hermann and music – forever together
One day, six-year-old Anya’s mother took to the concert a famous pianist who came on tour to Urgench. Unlike other babies, Anya spent the whole concert sitting spellbound. She stared at the pianist, whose strong hands furiously hit the singer Anna Hermann on the keys. After the concert, the girl began to literally pester her mother so that she bought her a piano. Anya was taken to a familiar music teacher. That, having listened to the girl, smiled: “She has perfect pitch, she needs to study, there can be a sense”. Anya began to learn musical notation with her, but then the war began and the music was forgotten.

Polish soldiers often came to the house, and one of them (surprisingly, his name was Herman) fell in love with Anna’s mother. The wedding was played in a month. And then, after three more, he was escorted to the front. In the first major battle of Lenino, Herman was killed.

A few months ago, Anya had no idea how abruptly her fate would change. I did not think that I would leave my native Urgench. The postman knocked on the window when they stopped waiting for him – two months after Victory Day. It was a letter. On the death of Herman wrote a front-line comrade, who offered Irma to go to Poland, but could not find her husband’s relatives.

When Anya studied in the fifth grade, her mother took her to the New Year tree for the little ones. They were met by singer Anna Herman cheerful Mikolaj – Polish Grandfather Frost – and, as if making excuses, said that the Snow Maiden was sick. Instead, she agreed to sing Anya. Anna Herman herself said that she felt the urge, more precisely, the need to sing only in the last year of the geological department of the University of Wroclaw. Mom and grandmother claimed that she sang from childhood. The first person who is absolutely convinced that Anna should become just a professional singer is her school friend Janechka Wilk. Without it, geology would have received a talented engineer, and art might not have been recognized by an outstanding singer.

Nobody forced Janechka to knock on the doors of the Directorate of Wroclaw Stage and demand, beg, beg, singer Anna Hermann to certainly listen to her longtime friend Anja Herman. Anya stood in front of the commission, headed by the Wroclaw actor Jan Skompsky … Then she went to Janechka in the corridor, and in fifteen minutes Skompsky came up: “Anna German, we will enlist you in the permanent staff of Wroclaw stage. You will receive a hundred zlotys per concert. And there will be about forty of them a month. ” At first she was so confused that she could not say a word. And suddenly she realized quite clearly that what had happened was what she had secretly dreamed of, which seemed to her fantastic, but it had come true!

Then there were international festivals, followed by filming on television in the GDR, enthusiastic reception in Moscow, recording at the company “Melody”. The offer of the little-known Italian record company “Company of Discography Italian” to sign a contract with her.

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