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For more than 40 years, people know, love and sing songs of Yuri Antonov. Pretty solid creative experience by today's standards. Such popularity is worth a lot. As, however, and…

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Pianist Lyudmila of Berlin: biography, career and personal life
Lyudmila Valentinovna Berlinskaya - famous Russian and Soviet pianist and actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1996). He is the founder of the Paris Spring festival, the founder of…

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Adriano Celentano – a unique phenomenon on the stage. All universities of the artist – 5 classes of elementary school and watchmaker’s workshop. But before this ingenious self-taught masters of cinema take off their hats. That is Adriano Celentano. The idol of Italian and Russian women confesses that she loves baking buns, repairing watches and is eager to live “the quiet life of an ordinary person.” The famous Italian actor and singer Adriano Celentano for many years at the zenith of popularity.

If it were not for Elvis Presley …
Adriano was born on January 6, 1938 on the outskirts of Milan in a family of poor peasants. His first conscious dream was to “earn a lot and a lot of money to provide all his relatives” who came to Milan in search of work and good luck. In the evenings, the large family Celentano went out on the porch and sang Italian folk songs. And Adriano sat aside and listened: naturally weak lungs, as well as an elephant, which, in his opinion, stepped in his ear in early childhood, did not allow the boy to participate in public concerts.

When he finished fifth grade, Adriano abandoned his studies and, as it turned out, forever – the guy was unusually poor in his lessons and didn’t want to do anything! singer Adriano Celentano Much more interesting to him seemed the profession of watchmaker, which he mastered, working as an apprentice with his uncle. Perhaps Adriano would have managed to repair hundreds of Milanese alarm clocks in his whole life, if not for the music store opposite the workshop. In his window was a photo of Elvis Presley, and a young man who was indifferent to music remained with him every day longer and longer. Now in the evenings after work, Adriano began to leave the guitar for the outskirts, where he strummed softly, singing songs from the repertoire of Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis to himself.

Adriano Celentano – man on the springs
A little later, he successfully parodied the young singer Louis Prima, whom he looked like in an amateur vaudeville play. Some impresario suggested that he try his hand at the professional stage, and Adriano began to invite him to amateur competitions … Four years later, his bosom friend Michele del Prete began to write the words of the songs. Three years later, the watchmaker Celentano won the European rock and roll competition in Milan’s Chiachcho Sports Palace and decided to submit to the jury and listeners a song of his own composition “I will tell you“ chao ”, supplemented with distinctive“ purely chelentanovskaya ”plastic. singer Adriano Celentano For her, the guy got his first “title” in his life – “the man on the springs”.

Celentano became a celebrity on his street Gluck! As soon as he got out of the taxi, he was surrounded by a huge crowd of onlookers, half of which immediately tried to sign up for him as a relative. This continued until Adriano was taken to hospital with a diagnosis of “nervous exhaustion.” And again, under the windows of his chamber crowds of fans gathered. The days dragged on, Adriano did not write out, the doctors did not spread about his health, and the number of fans began to decrease gradually. Finally, the day came when no one came to find out about the idol’s health … Only after some time on the day of discharge was Celentano heard from the head physician: “If you only knew what was going on here! There has never been such a crowd here! ”“ What happened? ”Asked Adriano. “Some journalist wrote that you died in our hospital. And the whole city came to say goodbye to you! ”

After another success at the 1961 San Remo festival, he organized his own record company, Clan Celentano. Now this company includes a publishing house, a concert agency, a video and audio recording studio. Later, many performers, such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, in order not to depend on producers and fashion requirements, took the path of creating their own companies, and in the very beginning of the 1960s such an act was bold and unusual.

The beauty and the Beast
At the famous “Canzonissimo” competition in 1962, Celentano presented his song “You are far from me” (“Stai lontana da me”) and won, after which he went to touring France and Spain, singer Adriano Celentano, where for the first time he had the opportunity to perform on television with a series of own shows. And in 1963, Adriano was invited to star in the film “Strange type.” The beautiful Romanian Claudia Moroni, known in the cinema as Claudia Mori, soon became famous: she appeared quite young in films that became classics. However, Claudia got into the “Strange type” tape with great difficulty: fine blackmail, bribery, connections and personal charm were used, with which nature generously rewarded the 18-year-old beauty. Claudia auditioned for all the female roles of the film, followed the director Fulci on his heels and nearly became the cause of his break with his wife.

At the first meeting with Fulci Adriano came in a dirty shirt, vulgarly wide open on his chest, a little black hat, pulled down to his very eyes, in a slap on his bare foot and with a guitar under his arm. At the director’s request to tell about himself, he didn’t respond immediately and in a strange way: “I’m a fan of God and came to Earth to take care of his interests.”

There was a time when in the Soviet Union “O sole mio”, “Jamaica” and other famous songs performed by Italian boy Robertino Loretti were heard from almost all open windows.…


Adriano Celentano - a unique phenomenon on the stage. All universities of the artist - 5 classes of elementary school and watchmaker's workshop. But before this ingenious self-taught masters of…


The most interesting facts about rock music
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