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We all make mistakes, especially when we are just starting to learn something. We have collected tips from famous guitarists to help you learn. And also we will tell you…

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Mireille Mathieu is a flawless page haircut, sleek eyebrows, invariably coral lipstick. She seems to be the same eternal impersonation of France as the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and champagne.…

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Julio Iglesias could not be a famous singer, but a famous athlete. There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. Probably, this statement fits this person more than anyone. Just think that if there were no car accidents, we would not have an artist who is among the top ten world best-selling musicians. Julio Iglesias – the music record holder not only by the number of cassettes and discs sold. The counter of his concerts surpasses all reasonable limits: over 5 thousand performances on five continents of the globe. “I lacked human warmth, communication, and I began to look for them in music. I just wanted to have fun, ”the singer once shared his memories,“ but the music hit me like a storm. She completely changed everything around me. ”

Man suggests …
In the family of the famous gynecologist Julio Iglesias Pug and his wife Maria del Rosario on September 23, 1943, a son was born in Madrid. He was named Julio.

When the time came, the boy went to the school of Sagrados Cosassones and St. Paul’s College. From the age of 16, Julio played football. singer Julio IglesiasHon was considered one of the most talented players of his generation and played for Real Madrid. Iglesias predicted a great future. Since childhood, Julio was a wonderful athlete and stood out among the members of the football team, in which he played a striker and dreamed of becoming a professional footballer. After graduating from high school, Julio entered the university in the Faculty of Law. He wanted to become a lawyer.

Many dreams and plans did not come true. On the late September night of 1963, on the eve of the 20th anniversary, when Julio and his friends were returning to Madrid by car, a car accident occurred, leaving the young athlete nearly a year and a half semi-paralyzed. There was no hope that he would walk again. Only hands moved. Lying in a hospital in Madrid, Julio from insomnia listened to the radio at night and wrote poems – sad and romantic poems about the meaning of life and the purpose of man. One day, a young nurse caring for him brought a guitar. Before that, Julio had never dreamed of becoming a singer.

The hidden talent of Julio Iglesias
Even in a Catholic college, the choir leader checked the vocal abilities of the boy-singer Julio Iglesias and strongly advised him to do anything but not singing. And the fifteen-year-old boy gladly switched to football. Maybe after a while another good football player would appear in Spain, and we would never have heard the songs of Julio Iglesias, but …

He began to sing in the hospital in order to distract himself and not think about those happy days when he could run and play football. Gradually, the guitar began to be covered with scratched numbers – Julio memorized chords and put his poems to music.

After being discharged from the hospital, he did not continue his studies at the University of Madrid, but entered the University of Murcia. To improve the English language, the future singer went to England. On weekends, he performed at the Air Port Pub club with songs by then-known performers: Tom Jones, Engelbert Humperdink and The Beatles. It was in Cambridge that he met Gwendolina Bollora, a girl who became his close friend and brought him his first musical success. He dedicated his famous song “Gwendolyne” to her.

Hoping to find a singer who would perform his songs, Julio took them to one of the recording companies singer Julio Iglesias of Madrid and was very surprised when the manager asked why he did not want to sing. Julio replied that he was not a singer, but nevertheless agreed to participate in the competition for the best performance of the Spanish song.

And on July 17, 1968, an unknown novice won three awards: “For the best performance”, “For the best text” and “For the best song”. And the winning song wore a very symbolic name for the young singer – “La Vida Sique Igual” (“Life Goes On”). This is how a singer appeared in Spain, completely different from the idols of the public in the late 1960s. Julio went on stage in a dark suit, white shirt with a black tie. He gesticulated very little while singing, which caused reproaches and even ridicule of journalists. However, listeners, and especially listeners, were delighted with Julio. His creative career has been ascending.

Career Julio Iglesias
It took just a few years for Iglesias to become the No. 1 Spanish singer and by far the most famous Spanish-language performer in the world. He begins singer Julio Iglesia long to tour abroad and performs in triumph at the most prestigious European venues. Participates in the Eurovision Song Contest and in many other music festivals. His name does not come out of the first lines of the music charts around the world – from Mexico to Argentina and from Spain to Japan.

The first and only prize in the world “Diamond Plate” Julio Iglesias received in 1983 in Paris. He received this award for the world’s largest number of records sold in the largest number of languages.

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