Chinese pianist Lang Lang: biography, personal life
The magnificent modern pianist Lang Lang was born a prodigy. This happened in the city of Shenyang (Liaoning Province), which was three hundred years ago the capital of Manchuria. By…

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Evgeny Svetlanov - conductor, who is subject to Music
Yevgeny Svetlanov (1928 - 2002) - an outstanding conductor, composer and pianist. For 45 years he worked at the Bolshoi Theater, combining this tremendous creative activity with the leadership of…

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More than 70 years ago in the little American town of Nat Bush in Tennessee, a certain Anna May Bullock was born. From early childhood she loved to sing. The…

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contributes to the mental

The most interesting facts about rock music

The creators of the famous band Offspring when choosing a guitarist were guided by far from musical interests. They just wanted to buy alcohol unhindered. The fact is that at the time of the creation of the group, Holland and Chrissel were still in school and, accordingly, were minors. The future guitarist – Wasserman – officially could already buy alcohol. Continue reading

Nastya Kamensky is young, beautiful and already at the top of her popularity. A talented singer, a popular TV presenter and simply a famous socialite does not get tired to…


7 paternal tips from famous guitarists for beginners
We all make mistakes, especially when we are just starting to learn something. We have collected tips from famous guitarists to help you learn. And also we will tell you…


Modern pianists: a list of the best pianists of our time, works
To recognize the world's only best contemporary pianist is an impossible task. For each critic and listener, the idols will be various masters. And this is the strength of humanity:…
