Evgeny Svetlanov - conductor, who is subject to Music
Yevgeny Svetlanov (1928 - 2002) - an outstanding conductor, composer and pianist. For 45 years he worked at the Bolshoi Theater, combining this tremendous creative activity with the leadership of…

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Claude Francois - Non-extinguishing Star of the French Stage
"Live from" OLYMPIA! "Only the best songs performed by the unique Claude Francois!" French radio listeners first heard this name in the early 60s of the last century. Since then,…

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How to start listening to Bach
“The Well-Tempered Clavier” is probably the most perfect piece in the history of music: two cycles of 24 preludes and fugues in all existing keys. The first Prelude in C…

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looked very much

There was a time when in the Soviet Union “O sole mio”, “Jamaica” and other famous songs performed by Italian boy Robertino Loretti were heard from almost all open windows.…


Interesting music facts
Mozart's music The well-known Austrian composer Mozart, whose music is considered to be the pinnacle of world classics, composed “smart” music. Scientific studies have proven the fact that the music…


Edita Piekha's songs sound in many languages: Russian, French, Polish ... Different in mood and melodies, but similar in one: they are about love. These songs are not included in…
